Everything in lasio is available from a basic import, so all you need to do is:

In [1]:
import lasio

The read() function accepts a filename, string, URL, or file-like object

In [2]:
import os

l = lasio.read(os.path.join("..", "tests", "examples", "6038187_v1.2_short.las"))

it returns a LASFile object

In [3]:


Curves are available as numpy 1D arrays

In [4]:

['DEPT', 'CALI', 'DFAR', 'DNEAR', 'GAMN', 'NEUT', 'PR', 'SP', 'COND']

so to see the NEUT data use:

In [5]:

array([ 1152.01 ,  1233.99 ,  1212.   ,  1161.01 ,  1080.02 ,  1188.98 ,
        1164.   ,  1169.   ,  1202.   ,  1168.01 ,  1179.   ,  1146.   ,
        1169.   ,  1182.   ,  1156.01 ,  1154.   ,  1142.   ,  1146.   ,
        1171.   ,  1119.01 ,  1070.01 ,  1150.99 ,  1256.98 ,  1291.   ,
        1301.   ,  1371.99 ,  1358.   ,  1368.   ,  1482.99 ,  1423.01 ,
        1350.01 ,  1156.02 ,  1013.03 ,   876.016,   798.016,   629.026,
         618.001,   659.992,   689.997,   765.984,   753.002,   741.001,
         734.001,   767.996,   730.008,   747.997,   762.999,   793.994,
         776.002,   854.983,   827.004,   886.994,   869.003,   863.001,
         869.999,   884.998,   919.997,   879.008,   909.996,   931.995,
         954.996,   986.997,   970.003,   953.002,   925.006,   899.004,
         952.995,   967.997,   926.005,   924.   ,   936.998,   968.997,
         922.009,   934.999,   931.001,   945.998,   913.003,   903.002,
         964.993,   937.006,   925.002,   909.001,   920.998,   924.   ,
         906.004,   980.989,   949.002,   908.008,   899.001,   934.992,
         956.997,   969.999,   954.003,   933.002,  1023.98 ,   950.011,
        1002.   ,  1030.99 ,  1074.   ,  1161.98 ,  1113.01 ,  1051.   ,
        1067.   ,  1167.99 ,  1312.97 ,  1478.97 ,  1536.   ,  1584.99 ,
        1592.   ,  1483.02 ,  1557.99 ,  1546.   ,  1604.99 ,  1546.01 ,
        1518.01 ,  1469.01 ,  1438.   ,  1403.01 ,  1413.   ,  1316.02 ,
        1347.   ])

You can also access curves by index (remembering that the first index is zero but the first curve is the reference curve, usually depth.

So for example the first data curve in this file is CALI:

In [6]:

array([ 101.78 ,  101.738,  101.738,  101.858,  101.798,  101.756,
        101.804,  101.798,  101.852,  101.87 ,  101.906,  101.816,
        101.714,  101.768,  101.816,  101.828,  101.696,  101.69 ,
        101.744,  101.66 ,  101.6  ,  101.708,  101.78 ,  101.792,
        101.618,  101.576,  101.606,  101.504,  101.516,  101.54 ,
        101.546,  101.45 ,  101.612,  101.744,  101.762,  101.762,
        101.792,  101.816,  101.696,  101.696,  101.666,  101.69 ,
        101.858,  101.81 ,  101.792,  101.828,  101.81 ,  101.54 ,
        101.54 ,  101.516,  101.516,  101.498,  101.504,  101.54 ,
        101.348,  101.366,  101.42 ,  101.408,  101.36 ,  101.318,
        101.324,  101.348,  101.307,  101.283,  101.378,  101.295,
        101.283,  101.396,  101.36 ,  101.372,  101.348,  101.408,
        101.402,  101.498,  101.432,  101.516,  101.594,  101.528,
        101.534,  101.528,  101.528,  101.528,  101.66 ,  101.732,
        101.696,  101.714,  101.696,  101.66 ,  101.666,  101.78 ,
        101.72 ,  101.624,  101.696,  101.696,  101.684,  101.708,
        101.69 ,  101.69 ,  101.762,  101.84 ,  101.636,  101.612,
        101.576,  101.618,  101.492,  102.715,  101.157,  101.432,
        101.636,  101.594,  101.474,  101.546,  101.366,  101.318,
        101.384,  101.384,  101.295,  101.223,  101.241,  101.235,  101.259])

which is the same as using the index 1:

In [7]:

array([ 101.78 ,  101.738,  101.738,  101.858,  101.798,  101.756,
        101.804,  101.798,  101.852,  101.87 ,  101.906,  101.816,
        101.714,  101.768,  101.816,  101.828,  101.696,  101.69 ,
        101.744,  101.66 ,  101.6  ,  101.708,  101.78 ,  101.792,
        101.618,  101.576,  101.606,  101.504,  101.516,  101.54 ,
        101.546,  101.45 ,  101.612,  101.744,  101.762,  101.762,
        101.792,  101.816,  101.696,  101.696,  101.666,  101.69 ,
        101.858,  101.81 ,  101.792,  101.828,  101.81 ,  101.54 ,
        101.54 ,  101.516,  101.516,  101.498,  101.504,  101.54 ,
        101.348,  101.366,  101.42 ,  101.408,  101.36 ,  101.318,
        101.324,  101.348,  101.307,  101.283,  101.378,  101.295,
        101.283,  101.396,  101.36 ,  101.372,  101.348,  101.408,
        101.402,  101.498,  101.432,  101.516,  101.594,  101.528,
        101.534,  101.528,  101.528,  101.528,  101.66 ,  101.732,
        101.696,  101.714,  101.696,  101.66 ,  101.666,  101.78 ,
        101.72 ,  101.624,  101.696,  101.696,  101.684,  101.708,
        101.69 ,  101.69 ,  101.762,  101.84 ,  101.636,  101.612,
        101.576,  101.618,  101.492,  102.715,  101.157,  101.432,
        101.636,  101.594,  101.474,  101.546,  101.366,  101.318,
        101.384,  101.384,  101.295,  101.223,  101.241,  101.235,  101.259])

All the curves are stored as a two-dimensional ndarray under the data attribute:

In [8]:


In [9]:

(121, 9)

In [10]:

array([[  1.20000000e+01,   1.01780000e+02,   8.83000000e-01, ...,
          5.04999000e+04,   1.00592000e+02,   8.22680000e+02],
       [  1.20500000e+01,   1.01738000e+02,   8.83000000e-01, ...,
          5.04999000e+04,   1.00510000e+02,   8.10824000e+02],
       [  1.21000000e+01,   1.01738000e+02,   8.73000000e-01, ...,
          5.04999000e+04,   1.00580000e+02,   8.01439000e+02],
       [  1.79000000e+01,   1.01241000e+02,   1.41700000e+00, ...,
          5.04999000e+04,   1.00537000e+02,   6.88347000e+01],
       [  1.79500000e+01,   1.01235000e+02,   1.37800000e+00, ...,
          5.04999000e+04,   1.00558000e+02,   6.93289000e+01],
       [  1.80000000e+01,   1.01259000e+02,   1.38100000e+00, ...,
          5.04999000e+04,   1.00562000e+02,   6.53776000e+01]])

You can always see the text of the original LAS file loaded here:

In [11]:


In [12]:


In [13]:

VERS.               2.0  :CWLS LOG ASCII STANDARD - VERSION 2.0
STRT.M        0.0500000  :FIRST INDEX VALUE
STOP.M          136.600  :LAST INDEX VALUE
STEP.M        0.0500000  :STEP
NULL.            -99999  :NULL VALUE
COMP.                    :COMP
WELL.        Scorpio E1  :WELL
FLD.                     :
LOC.             Mt Eba  :LOC
SRVC.                    :
CTRY.                    :
STAT.                SA  :STAT
CNTY.                    :
DATE.        15/03/2015  :DATE
UWI.           6038-187  :WUNT
DEPT.M                   :DEPTH
CALI.MM                  :CALI
DFAR.G/CM3               :DFAR
DNEAR.G/CM3              :DNEAR
GAMN.GAPI                :GAMN
NEUT.CPS                 :NEUT
PR.OHM/M                 :PR
SP.MV                    :SP
COND.MS/M                :COND
BS.              216 mm  :BS
JOBN.                    :JOBN
WPMT.                    :WPMT
AGL.                     :AGL
PURP. Cased hole stratigraphy  :PURP
X.              0560160  :X
CSGL.       0 m - 135 m  :CSGL
UNIT.                    :UNIT
Y.              6686430  :Y
TDL.            135.2 m  :TDL
PROD.                    :PROD
MUD.              Water  :MUD
CSGS.            100 mm  :CSGS
ENG.                     :ENG
STEP.              5 cm  :STEP
FluidLevel.        54 m  :FluidLevel
CSGT.               PVC  :CSGT
WIT.                     :WIT
EREF.                    :EREF
PROJ.                    :PROJ
ZONE.               53J  :ZONE
DREF.                GL  :DREF
TDD.              136 m  :TDD
~A   DEPT[M]        CALI        DFAR       DNEAR        GAMN        NEUT          PR          SP        COND
     12.0000     101.780    0.883000    0.814000     65.0846     1152.01     50499.9     100.592     822.680
     12.0500     101.738    0.883000    0.843000     65.0800     1233.99     50499.9     100.510     810.824
     12.1000     101.738    0.873000    0.808001     53.4612     1212.00     50499.9     100.580     801.439
     12.1500     101.858    0.878000    0.813000     79.0231     1161.01     50499.9     100.555     796.745
     12.2000     101.798    0.878000    0.787000     41.8448     1080.02     50499.9     100.552     785.137
     12.2500     101.756    0.869000    0.765000     81.3450     1188.98     50499.9     100.537     772.293
     12.3000     101.804    0.882000    0.811000     67.4063     1164.00     50499.9     100.580     757.966
     12.3500     101.798    0.880000    0.823000     74.3767     1169.00     50499.9     100.543     757.965
     12.4000     101.852    0.877000    0.823000     62.7573     1202.00     50499.9     100.543     735.738
     12.4500     101.870    0.878000    0.826000     58.1080     1168.01     50499.9     100.586     716.967
     12.5000     101.906    0.870000    0.850000     60.4316     1179.00     50499.9     100.540     715.481
     12.5500     101.816    0.883000    0.862000     69.7281     1146.00     50499.9     100.510     713.999
     12.6000     101.714    0.864001    0.815002     53.4621     1169.00     50499.9     100.549     730.545
     12.6500     101.768    0.863000    0.802000     81.3478     1182.00     50499.9     100.519     738.698
     12.7000     101.816    0.869000    0.808000     51.1413     1156.01     50499.9     100.537     757.467
     12.7500     101.828    0.875000    0.797000     83.6700     1154.00     50499.9     100.540     775.746
     12.8000     101.696    0.865000    0.907000     58.1094     1142.00     50499.9     100.543     790.321
     12.8500     101.690    0.867000    0.808004     65.0787     1146.00     50499.9     100.516     790.322
     12.9000     101.744    0.851000    0.826000     72.0522     1171.00     50499.9     100.494     806.869
     12.9500     101.660    0.851000    0.796000     53.4629     1119.01     50499.9     100.528     816.749
     13.0000     101.600    0.837000    0.815000     67.4029     1070.01     50499.9     100.531     826.383
     13.0500     101.708    0.839000    0.813000     74.3773     1150.99     50499.9     100.519     835.522
     13.1000     101.780    0.838000    0.827999     81.3497     1256.98     50499.9     100.531     848.858
     13.1500     101.792    0.837000    0.809000     79.0263     1291.00     50499.9     100.513     861.210
     13.2000     101.618    0.847000    0.761000     97.6171     1301.00     50499.9     100.531     861.211
     13.2500     101.576    0.846000    0.797000     65.0850     1371.99     50499.9     100.543     881.462
     13.3000     101.606    0.845000    0.767000     85.9970     1358.00     50499.9     100.528     885.417
     13.3500     101.504    0.822001    0.838997     65.0840     1368.00     50499.9     100.482     885.911
     13.4000     101.516    0.793000    0.876000     85.9966     1482.99     50499.9     100.540     889.616
     13.4500     101.540    0.726000    0.896000     65.0844     1423.01     50499.9     100.519     895.296
     13.5000     101.546    0.725000    0.897000     111.559     1350.01     50499.9     100.510     900.730
     13.5500     101.450    0.725000    0.894000     74.3815     1156.02     50499.9     100.543     905.671
     13.6000     101.612    0.762999    0.899000     90.6449     1013.03     50499.9     100.485     906.659
     13.6500     101.744    0.755000    0.835000     81.3521     876.016     50499.9     100.473     894.804
     13.7000     101.762    0.793000    0.809000     58.1119     798.016     50499.9     100.497     883.196
     13.7500     101.762    0.836000    0.783000     62.7553     629.026     50499.9     100.476     915.546
     13.8000     101.792    0.959000    0.683000     69.7283     618.001     50499.9     100.476     945.188
     13.8500     101.816     1.04500    0.657001     76.7007     659.992     50499.9     100.470     945.932
     13.9000     101.696     1.13300    0.800000     58.1091     689.997     50499.9     100.476     922.717
     13.9500     101.696     1.23100     1.11100     79.0216     765.984     50499.9     100.491     757.012
     14.0000     101.666     1.34000     1.43400     60.4348     753.002     50499.9     100.433     941.705
     14.0500     101.690     1.38600     1.46300     67.4043     741.001     50499.9     100.424     1071.64
     14.1000     101.858     1.35800     1.46200     74.3767     734.001     50499.9     100.400     1215.13
     14.1500     101.810     1.35700     1.47100     53.4614     767.996     50499.9     100.381     863.968
     14.2000     101.792     1.35400     1.55800     55.7825     730.008     50499.9     100.342     699.707
     14.2500     101.828     1.37800     1.66600     67.4032     747.997     50499.9     100.360     333.181
     14.3000     101.810     1.37200     1.74200     62.7564     762.999     50499.9     100.296     36.2593
     14.3500     101.540     1.42300     1.77800     62.7560     793.994     50499.9     100.314     26.8468
     14.4000     101.540     1.42500     1.66700     53.4601     776.002     50499.9     100.275     24.3753
     14.4500     101.516     1.41700     1.60800     74.3736     854.983     50499.9     100.299     89.3224
     14.5000     101.516     1.41600     1.54200     46.4903     827.004     50499.9     100.214     479.289
     14.5500     101.498     1.41200     1.55700     60.4307     886.994     50499.9     100.214     282.756
     14.6000     101.504     1.44800     1.67200     60.4320     869.003     50499.9     100.375     398.805
     14.6500     101.540     1.43000     1.59000     69.7279     863.001     50499.9     100.555     411.670
     14.7000     101.348     1.41300     1.57800     32.5478     869.999     50499.9     100.607     697.637
     14.7500     101.366     1.43600     1.58100     88.3145     884.998     50499.9     100.610     1003.44
     14.8000     101.420     1.38200     1.51400     85.9992     919.997     50499.9     100.598     1050.16
     14.8500     101.408     1.39100     1.54300     92.9707     879.008     50499.9     100.601     944.470
     14.9000     101.360     1.40900     1.50600     81.3523     909.996     50499.9     100.562     819.729
     14.9500     101.318     1.38400     1.51600     60.4364     931.995     50499.9     100.562     805.886
     15.0000     101.324     1.38200     1.43900     72.0512     954.996     50499.9     100.568     758.219
     15.0500     101.348     1.39000     1.51000     76.7016     986.997     50499.9     100.562     733.761
     15.1000     101.307     1.39800     1.50000     123.179     970.003     50499.9     100.574     685.356
     15.1500     101.283     1.42300     1.52900     60.4392     953.002     50499.9     100.549     647.066
     15.2000     101.378     1.42700     1.53800     67.4035     925.006     50499.9     100.592     631.504
     15.2500     101.295     1.41800     1.54000     106.912     899.004     50499.9     100.574     613.226
     15.3000     101.283     1.40900     1.46800     83.6772     952.995     50499.9     100.562     589.513
     15.3500     101.396     1.39800     1.47900     85.9986     967.997     50499.9     100.662     570.743
     15.4000     101.360     1.43800     1.47100     74.3793     926.005     50499.9     100.604     560.366
     15.4500     101.372     1.43700     1.55000     58.1104     924.000     50499.9     100.616     544.560
     15.5000     101.348     1.42900     1.54300     95.2903     936.998     50499.9     100.610     528.504
     15.5500     101.408     1.42000     1.53700     69.7314     968.997     50499.9     100.632     525.291
     15.6000     101.402     1.43700     1.55300     76.7007     922.009     50499.9     100.601     510.721
     15.6500     101.498     1.44800     1.51100     97.6186     934.999     50499.9     100.586     505.038
     15.7000     101.432     1.46600     1.55000     81.3544     931.001     50499.9     100.595     504.049
     15.7500     101.516     1.43700     1.48500     72.0544     945.998     50499.9     100.598     495.405
     15.8000     101.594     1.43700     1.48100     69.7292     913.003     50499.9     100.613     492.193
     15.8500     101.528     1.43100     1.50900     76.7007     903.002     50499.9     100.571     481.327
     15.9000     101.534     1.45200     1.52400     72.0535     964.993     50499.9     100.586     478.855
     15.9500     101.528     1.44000     1.53900     67.4060     937.006     50499.9     100.607     471.940
     16.0000     101.528     1.46300     1.56800     69.7286     925.002     50499.9     100.601     466.259
     16.0500     101.528     1.47800     1.55900     65.0804     909.001     50499.9     100.616     465.023
     16.1000     101.660     1.49200     1.55600     69.7281     920.998     50499.9     100.629     453.663
     16.1500     101.732     1.48700     1.56800     85.9971     924.000     50499.9     100.629     449.709
     16.2000     101.696     1.47100     1.60600     95.2939     906.004     50499.9     100.641     448.968
     16.2500     101.714     1.49700     1.58000     113.888     980.989     50499.9     100.632     448.968
     16.3000     101.696     1.48700     1.60000     74.3810     949.002     50499.9     100.632     444.275
     16.3500     101.660     1.47800     1.58700     90.6449     908.008     50499.9     100.613     437.854
     16.4000     101.666     1.50300     1.58500     88.3233     899.001     50499.9     100.616     433.901
     16.4500     101.780     1.48700     1.55700     83.6761     934.992     50499.9     100.616     432.913
     16.5000     101.720     1.48800     1.56800     60.4355     956.997     50499.9     100.604     423.528
     16.5500     101.624     1.49100     1.57600     104.590     969.999     50499.9     100.629     413.648
     16.6000     101.696     1.48600     1.57200     123.184     954.003     50499.9     100.653     399.571
     16.6500     101.696     1.50100     1.59800     88.3270     933.002     50499.9     100.641     386.478
     16.7000     101.684     1.49500     1.54700     51.1435     1023.98     50499.9     100.598     381.538
     16.7500     101.708     1.49300     1.58200     79.0217     950.011     50499.9     100.632     374.128
     16.8000     101.690     1.48300     1.53000     58.1086     1002.00     50499.9     100.626     362.766
     16.8500     101.690     1.49000     1.53400     74.3749     1030.99     50499.9     100.601     349.430
     16.9000     101.762     1.47400     1.52500     67.4058     1074.00     50499.9     100.595     345.475
     16.9500     101.840     1.50500     1.54300     120.852     1161.98     50499.9     100.616     334.609
     17.0000     101.636     1.48200     1.56200     69.7368     1113.01     50499.9     100.604     328.927
     17.0500     101.612     1.48900     1.52700     69.7290     1051.00     50499.9     100.629     303.487
     17.1000     101.576     1.47600     1.52400     99.9392     1067.00     50499.9     100.620     270.887
     17.1500     101.618     1.45500     1.52200     55.7881     1167.99     50499.9     100.607     256.557
     17.2000     101.492     1.48200     1.53200     83.6686     1312.97     50499.9     100.595     221.489
     17.2500     102.715     1.48700     1.49900     109.238     1478.97     50499.9     100.531     227.902
     17.3000     101.157     1.47700     1.45600     76.7045     1536.00     50499.9     100.555     199.253
     17.3500     101.432     1.45500     1.54800     83.6737     1584.99     50499.9     100.531     168.876
     17.4000     101.636     1.44400     1.53000     69.7306     1592.00     50499.9     100.519     128.614
     17.4500     101.594     1.45500     1.48000     62.7576     1483.02     50499.9     100.562     125.646
     17.5000     101.474     1.46000     1.46000     76.6999     1557.99     50499.9     100.519     108.852
     17.5500     101.546     1.41800     1.48700     76.7020     1546.00     50499.9     100.543     101.934
     17.6000     101.366     1.42900     1.48900     81.3501     1604.99     50499.9     100.549     98.2287
     17.6500     101.318     1.37400     1.49000     85.9985     1546.01     50499.9     100.537     85.1385
     17.7000     101.384     1.40100     1.47700     90.6469     1518.01     50499.9     100.549     76.2470
     17.7500     101.384     1.39100     1.46600     81.3524     1469.01     50499.9     100.565     78.4677
     17.8000     101.295     1.37400     1.49000     104.591     1438.00     50499.9     100.555     65.1310
     17.8500     101.223     1.38200     1.46500     88.3261     1403.01     50499.9     100.555     66.1178
     17.9000     101.241     1.41700     1.48200     90.6477     1413.00     50499.9     100.537     68.8347
     17.9500     101.235     1.37800     1.45100     95.2949     1316.02     50499.9     100.558     69.3289
     18.0000     101.259     1.38100     1.42600     88.3241     1347.00     50499.9     100.562     65.3776

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